March 12, 2025

Contact Karen

My typical workweek is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 9:00-8:00, but my days/hours can vary greatly. I am often not available during these times because I am a sole practitioner, do not have an administrative assistant, and will not answer the phone/email when I am with another client. My preferred means of contact is via email, but please be advised that while I am the only person with access to it, I cannot vouch for the security, privacy, or confidentiality of electronic transmissions in general. Therefore, please limit email to logistical issues (i.e., scheduling), and for matters of a more clinical nature, use the telephone, which is attached to a confidential electronic answering machine.

I will make every effort to return your call/email within 48-72 hours (2-3 days), not including weekends, holidays, absences, and vacations. While this may seem like an inordinate amount of time, I believe that it is crucial for maintaining the personal-professional boundaries necessary for my mental and physical health, in order for me to provide you, to the best of my ability, with the service you deserve.  If, during the course of our work together, you experience a psychological emergency (one involving potential life threat or harm to self or others) and you feel that you cannot wait for at least 48-72 hours (not including weekends, holidays, absences, and vacations) to speak with me, you are to call 911 and/or contact your local hospital emergency room (e.g., nearest or one covered by your insurance company) and ask for the psychiatrist on call.

If you are comfortable with the confidentiality parameters, or potential lack thereof, you can email information you would like me to have that can be discussed in subsequent in-office or phone sessions. Understand that I will not reply directly to such emails, but will use them to prepare for our next scheduled session.

Under no circumstances should you use email to address crisis issues. I consider email to be a privilege, not a right, and if you abuse it by sending messages of a critical, desperate, or threatening nature, I will consider it a boundary violation and will refuse to accept subsequent emails and will block your address from my email account.


Telephone: 603-448-3588
Fax: 603-448-3583

Physical Location:
115 Etna Road
Building 1, Suite 2
Lebanon, NH 03766